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Take the natural path to enhancing your health & wellbeing at the Paths to Holistic Living inc .

 If you're just starting on your journey to health & wellness

Start by ordering your Free -B-M-I (Body Mass index Report)

 Once you receive it - you will see how much body fat & mass

you're holding onto.


     Follow-up by ordering your Nutrition report - this Nutrition report is.

based on your- BMI (Body Mass-Index Report) to help

 us choose the type of Nutrition Report to provide you with.


All Nutrition reports are also based upon foods that compliment.

your blood type.

 Nutrition reports is also based upon your eating type,

 (Vegan, Alkaline, Blood type).


 If you have not worked out in a while you can also request

  a 30 minute -3x's a week fitness plan- tailored to your

B-M-I (Body-Mass-Index report) targeting in on

just the problems areas - you're working to get rid of


So, you're getting -

*Free- B-M-I - Body Mass Index Report (valued at $19.99)

Nutrition Report- based on your B-M-I report$29.99 (Valued at $49)

      Complimentary- several page Finess Adversary -$15.99 (valued at $49)





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 Only $44 98 ( value $117.98)

See a new you In in 4-8 weeks or less. Contact Us

New U Nutrition Services

We personalize your nutrition.


*Blood Type



Contact us


  • ​


We give fitness tips whether you're a beginner or have never exercised in your life.
*Low impact- exercises
*Medicine Ball
Contact us

Handle your food Stresses with
*Mindful eating
*Conscious Food Therapy Techniques
*Deep Breathing
Contact us

Upon request we will provide a body mass index report you should have medical approval for fitness instruction

Specialized Nutrition/ Fitness /Stress Management Request- especially for you

Thanks for submitting!
The Paths to Holistic Living Inc., is a nutrition-Fitness-Stress Management Consaulting service offering affordable 45 minute  nutrition,fitness stress management advice since 2000. For seniors, adults, young adults- children by Denise Blair F.N.S.C (Nutrittion-Fitness-Stress , Management Consultant) The Paths to Holistic Living inc All rights reserved copyright 2022-2023
Healthy vegan Eating--Low carb eating- Fitness Consult-Let's Juice it Up- Get a Nutrition report-Basic Nutrition Consult- Order your healthy senior report- Benefits of meal prepping-healthy children nutrition- -Basic nutrition consult- eating to strengthening your immune system-lose weight portion controlling- shop our wellness store ne create your new nutrition virtual lifestyle - Mking the Food connection
The Paths to Holistic Living Inc. -copyright 2022-2023. Meal Prepping Bowls are not offered only foods for your specific blood chemistry based upon the meal prep guideline you choose.
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